New India News

Green Pass as Certificate of Covid19

Newindianews/Raipur:  In the period of covid19 pandemic our life stile and his strategy is confusing complately and in the world we have medical dilemma that anyone must injektion-mould for his health condition,but every person doesn’t assent to this politics of government and around the orbit has got many manifestations and conflicts contrary to regime,becouse some people are uncertain so that vaccine in that it is most perilously and they don’t will to risk them Gesundheit and they appeal by choise.Now an injection’s method is beginning alredy and such contries in Europa accepted and no matter what happens, ‘couse this pamdemic was very agressive and fatal for life.And for this motif nobody can’t travel without green pass ( for example in Italy ) or in a closed auditorium.

In fact we can’t calculate if the public health department have got a trilion vaccine for us and for all on the world, but the government office said:- ,, everyone has to inject”!- And we have to actept this practice too for travel without borders if you want.

CJ: Ekaterina Ramishvili ( Georgiana )

P.S. It’s very interesting too for me about this message what Indian People do think about this ,, dilemma or chance ” and anyone can communicate own opinion to New India News.

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